Home Types of Ramen History How are Ramen Noodles made? Reference

Traditional Ramen

Ramen is a big cultural noodle dish originated in Japan (Some people say it originated in China).
In Japan there are over 24,000 ramen restaurants and much more around the world.
Through the years its popularity has increased spreading to Europe and all the way to the U.S.

I personally love eating ramen and enjoy going to ramen resturaunts. I also like to make ramen at home. So in this website, I would like to talk about the different types of ramen there are, the history of it, and how ramen noodles are typically made.


This clip art on the left is an image I found on the internet of ramen. The ramen in the clip art has a boiled egg, some green onions, and menma; lactofermented bamboo shoot. The bowl is a classic Japanese ramen bowl used in many Japanese resturaunts.